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Follesdal, Andreas: Types of backlash. 2023, (PluriCourts PhD Course on the Legitimacy of international law Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: The Principle of Subsidiarity as a Constitutional Principle in International Law. 2022, (PluriCourts PhD Course Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: [No title]. 2021, (iCourts-PluriCourts PhD workshop Online). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: International human rights in Norway: Impact, Pushback and Dialogue”. 2018, (Faculty of Law, UiO PhD Course Svalbard). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Human Rights, PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: On PluriCourts’ Research plan. 2018, (UiO PhD Course Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: The bias of the European Court of Human Rights against Economic and Social Human Rights: a Modest Defense. 2017, (Venice Academy on Human Rights PhD course Venice). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: European Court of Human Rights, Human Rights, PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: The Empirical Turn in Legal Science. 2017, (iCourts – PluriCourts PhD Summer School Copenhagen). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: The roles of international and regional courts in protecting and promoting economic and social human rights: what can they do, what should they do?”. 2017, (Venice Academy on Human Rights PhD course Venice). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Human Rights, PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Regional Human Rights Courts: protecting human rights or respecting state sovereignty – or both? The Margin of Appreciation Doctrine of the European Court of Human Rights as a model. 2016, (Bangkok Winter School on Human Rights, German-Southeast Asian Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance (CPG), Bangkok). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: European Court of Human Rights, Human Rights, Margin of Appreciation, PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Three lectures on Concepts of Legitimacy for International Courts,. 2016, (University of Munich Munich Advanced Course in International Law (MACIL) Munich). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Democracy, Identity and European Public Spheres. 2016, (Prague summer school Krkonoše). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: International Courts’ Legitimacy – a normative perspective’. 2016, (iCourts-PluriCourts PhD summer school Copenhagen). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Brighton and Beyond: Backlashes against the European Court of Human Rights – and how to respond’. 2015, (Venice Academy on Human Rights PhD Course Venice). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: European Court of Human Rights, Human Rights, PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: How the European Court of Human Rights integrates and disintegrates communities and domestic courts. 2015, (Venice Academy on Human Rights PhD Course Venice). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: European Court of Human Rights, Human Rights, PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: The Two Tribes at Lido: Fragmentation in MultiCultural Communities and in International Human Rights Law – Joint challenges and options. 2015, (Venice Academy on Human Rights PhD Course Venice). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Human Rights, PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: On the relationship between authority and legitimacy”. 2015, (iCourts/PluriCourts Summer School Copenhagen). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: The Principle of Subsidiarity and the Margin of Appreciation Doctrine of the European Court of Human Rights. 2014, (German-Southeast Asian Center for Public Policy and Good Governance Winter Course on Human Rights Bangkok). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: European Court of Human Rights, Human Rights, Margin of Appreciation, PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: International Human Rights Courts: Part of the Solution or Part of the Problem of the ‘Essentially Contested’ International Rule of Law?. 2014, (Academy of Human Rights Course on Human Rights Venice). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Human Rights, PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Approaches to the legitimacy of international courts – is there an elephant in the room?. 2014, (iCourts-PluriCourts PhD course Copenhagen). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Machiavelli’s ‘The Prince’ at 500 years: Lessons for international human rights courts. 2013, (German-Southeast Asian Center for Public Policy and Good Governance Bangkok Winter School on Human Rights Bangkok). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Human Rights, PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Building a CV. 2013, (iCourts/PluriCourts PhD Course Copenhagen). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: The fragmented discourses of legitimacy for international courts … – is there need for a unifying theory, and what might it look like?. 2013, (iCourts/PluriCourts PhD Course Copenhagen). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Your public research persona. 2013, (iCourts/PluriCourts PhD Course Copenhagen). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: The Legitimacy of Multi-Level Human Rights Judiciary – On MultiRights. 2012, (Winter School on Human Rights and Constitutional Law – Western and Asian Perspectives Bank). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Human Rights, PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: The Legitimacy of international law and courts. 2012, (Faculty of Law, UiO PhD Course Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Føllesdal, Andreas: Internasjonal menneskerettighetsprøving og legitimitet, og EMD og Krusifikssaken (Lautsi v. Italy). 2010, (UiO PhD seminar om Internasjonale menneskerettigheter Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Human Rights, PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: The Legitimacy of Human Rights Conventions. 2010, (NordForsk PhD Course Reykjavik). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Human Rights, PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: “Rawls’ Theory of Justice; Should states ratify Human Rights Conventions?; Rawls’ Theory of international Justice?; Waldron’s criticism of judicial review”. 2009, (PhD Course Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Human Rights, PhD Course, talk)
Føllesdal, Andreas: Om Rawls og rettsteori. 2007, (Juridisk fakultet, UiO PhD seminar Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Føllesdal, Andreas: Om Makt-og demokratiutredningen. 2007, (Juridisk fakultet, UiOo PhD seminar Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: The Legitimacy Deficits of the European Union: A Taxonomy. 2006, (NEWGOV training course Florence). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: The Seven Habits of Highly Legitimate New Modes of Governance. 2006, (NEWGOV training course Florence). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Mapping the Democratic Legitimacy of Power – How to Assess the Democratic or Undemocratic Nature of Political Organs, National or International Judicial Bodies, or International Organizations. 2006, (Nordic Research Training Course: Human Rights, Democracy and Constitutionalism Copenhagen). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Human Rights, PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: What is New and What is Old? Reflections on the History of Ideas behind the Current Discussions on Human Rights, Democracy and Constitutionalism.. 2006, (Nordic Research Training Course: Human Rights, Democracy and Constitutionalism Copenhagen). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Human Rights, PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: The European Constitution and Political Theory in Europe”. 2005, (Faculty of Law, UiO Summer School Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Føllesdal, Andreas: Om Rawls og rettsteori. 2005, (Juridisk fakultet, UiO PhD seminar Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Citizenship and justice – Global and European. 2003, (Etikkprogrammet, UiO Seminar on Global Justice Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Human rights and relativism. 2003, (Etikkprogrammet, UiO Seminar on Global Justice Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Human Rights, PhD Course, talk)
Føllesdal, Andreas: Om Rawls og rettsteori. 2003, (Juridisk fakultet, UiO PhDseminar Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: The Political Theory of Federalism and Subsidiarity. 1999, (Institutt for Statsvitenskap, UiO Dr.Polit.kurs: Multilevel governance: positive and normative analysis. Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: federalism, PhD Course, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: [No title]. 1998, (Forskningsrådets etikkprogram. Global Justice, PhD Course with Thomas Pogge.). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Føllesdal, Andreas: Demokrati i EU. 1997, (Ph.D. seminar København). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Føllesdal, Andreas: Internasjonale forpliktelser og demokrati. 1996, (UiO PhD kurs: Demokrati, forutsetninger og virkninger Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)
Føllesdal, Andreas: Demokratiets internasjonale forpliktelse. 1994, (Statsvitenskap, Videnskapsakademiet PhD Kurs). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: PhD Course, talk)