
926 entries « 2 of 10 »
Follesdal, Andreas: On authorship of joint publications – disciplines, hierarchy and gender. 2018, (University of Graz Graz). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Gender, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: The comparative advantages of international courts for managing global public goods. 2018, (Working group on Climate Change, University of Graz Graz). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Climate, International courts, talk)
Føllesdal, Andreas: Humanistisk forskning: teori-drevet heller enn empiri-fokusert?. 2018, (Norges forskningsråd Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Research policy, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Stability in ethnic territorial federations with a secession clause – challenges and opportunities in the case of Ethiopia. 2018, (Arctic University of Norway Workshop Copenhagen). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Federalism, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Stability in ethnic territorial federations with a secession clause – challenges and opportunities in the case of Ethiopia. 2018, (University of Makele Workshop Makele). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Federalism, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Natural law theories and international law”. 2018, (University of Liverpool Workshop Liverpool). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: talk)
Føllesdal, Andreas: Forholdet mellom EMD og nasjonale domstoler. 2018, (Domstolsadministrasjonen Kurs for dommere Gardermoen). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Service, talk)
Føllesdal, Andreas: ERC-application workshops as a task for ‘The Guild of Research Universities”. 2018, (UiO Presentation Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: ERC – European Research Council, Service, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: The significance of state consent. 2018, (American Political Science Association – APSA Panel Boston). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: The Significance of State Consent. 2018, (Variable authority of International Courts, Conference Frankfurt). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: International courts, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Majoritarian Populism Versus Minority Rights Protection – How Might International Courts Respond?. 2018, (Arctic University of Norway Workshop Tromsø). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: International courts, Populism, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Majoritarian Populism Versus Minority Rights Protection – How Might International Courts Respond?. 2018, (Department of Political Science, UiO Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: International courts, Populism, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Current contributions of the natural law tradition to international law”. 2018, (PluriCourts Seminar Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: [No title]. 2018, (The European Court of Human Rights and PluriCourts Workshop Strasbourg). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: European Court of Human Rights, Human Rights, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Natural law theories and international law”. 2018, (ECPR Panel Hamburg). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Majoritarian Populism Versus Minority Rights Protection – How Might International Courts Respond?”. 2018, (World Congress of Philosophy Panel on political philosophy Beijing). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: International courts, Populism, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Insights of Populism. 2018, (World Congress of Philosophy Panel on populist nationalism, current international institutions, world government, or global federalism? Beijing). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Federalism, Populism, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: On The Internationalists. 2018, (Journal of Global Constitutionalism Workshop Berlin). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: The role of international courts for global public goods. 2018, (PluriCourts Workshop on Global Public Goods Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Climate, International courts, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: On the Margin of Appreciation doctrine –regional comparisons”. 2018, (International Journal of Constitutional Law ICON Panel Hong Kong). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Margin of Appreciation, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: [No title]. 2018, (Arctic University of Norway Workshop Tromsø). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: [No title]. 2018, (PluriCourts Philosophy and Legal theory workshop Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Why defer to a new MultiLateral Investment Court? – Three Themes. 2018, (EU Commission On the design of a Multilateral Investment Court Brussels). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Public policy, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Protecting and Promoting Universal, European or Western European Human Rights?. 2018, (Conference on the ECHR in East-West Relations: Norms, Values and Legal Politics Moscow). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Human Rights, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: On The new legitimation challenges to international courts – and how they might respond. 2018, (PluriCourts Brandeis-PluriCourts workshop for international judges Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: International courts, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Human rights in ‘other’ international courts – some issues of legitimacy. 2018, (European University Institute – EUI Workshop on human rights in non-human rights courts Florence). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Human Rights, International courts, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Majoritarian Populism versus Minority Rights Protection – how might international courts respond?. 2018, (Arctic University of Norway Workshop Tromsø). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: International courts, Populism, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Subsidiarity as a general principle of international law?. 2018, (Conference on ‘General Principles of Law – in National, European and International Law’ Paris). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Subsidiarity, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Improving the European Consensus Doctrine: A Better Signpost, Not a Better Walking Stick. 2018, (European Court of Human Rights Workshop Strasbourg). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: European Consensus, European Court of Human Rights, Human Rights, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Better signposts or better walking sticks? How to improve the Emerging European Consensus doctrine of the European Court of Human Rights – and Why?. 2018, (PluriCourts Seminar Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: European Consensus, European Court of Human Rights, Human Rights, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Are concepts of legitimacy for international courts related, and how?. 2018, (Stockholm University Seminar, Political Theory Group Stockholm). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: International courts, talk)
Ryssevik, Jostein; Føllesdal, Andreas; Thorsen, Dag Einar; Aubert, Axel: Politikk og menneskerettigheter. Aschehoug, Oslo, 2018. (Type: Book | Links | Tags: Human Rights)
Follesdal, Andreas: The legitimacy critiques of international courts – beyond a taxonomy. 2017, (UiO PPWG workshop Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: International courts, talk)
Føllesdal, Andreas: Hvordan få forskergruppen til å lykkes med publisering? . 2017, (Juridisk fakultet UiO Forskningsledergruppe Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Research policy, Service, talk)
Føllesdal, Andreas: Forholdet mellom EMD og nasjonale domstoler. 2017, (Domstolsadministrasjonen Kurs for dommere Gardermoen). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Service, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: On applying to the ERC. 2017, (Arctic University of Norway Presentation Tromsø). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: ERC – European Research Council, Service, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: International Legal Human Rights: Neither Minimum Standards nor Directive Ideals. Implications of a ‘Political’ Theory of Human Rights. 2017, (NorthWestern University Workshop Chicago). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Human Rights, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Presentation on the European Research Council: whither hopes and fears?. 2017, (ECPR Panel Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: ERC – European Research Council, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Are legitimacy critiques of International Courts only rhetorical rephrasing of dislikes, or can they be reasoned normative assessments?. 2017, (ECPR Panel Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: International courts, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Subsidiarity as a general principle of law. 2017, (PluriCourts Conference on General Principles as Applied by International Courts and Tribunals and the Coherence of International Law Paris). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: International courts, Subsidiarity, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: A Better Signpost or a Better Walking Stick? How to Improve the Emerging European Consensus Doctrine and Why Bother?”. 2017, (Pompeu Fabra University Conference on the Legal Philosophy of Global Constitutionalism Barcelona). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: European Consensus, European Court of Human Rights, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Towards a more just WTO: Which justice, whose interpretation?. 2017, (Normative Orders Frankfurt). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Gender Inequity on the International Bench – So What? Why we concerned – and why not.”. 2017, (PluriCourts Workshop on Gender on the International Bench Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Gender, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Human Rights in Norway – toward a research agenda”. 2017, (Workshop Prague). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Human Rights, talk)
Føllesdal, Andreas: Humanistisk forskning for et samfunn i forandring. In: Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 51-57, 2017, ISSN: 0800-336x. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | Tags: Research policy)
Saul, Matthew; Follesdal, Andreas; Ulfstein, Geir: The International Human Rights Judiciary and National Parliaments: Europe and Beyond. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017. (Type: Book | Abstract | Links | Tags: Edited books, European Court of Human Rights, Human Rights)
Follesdal, Andreas: Reflective Equilibrium as justification and research method – Human Rights Research as Example Også Tromsø. 2017, (HF-fakultetet, UiO Vitenskapsteoriseminar Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Human Rights, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: The Legitimate Authority of International Courts and its Limits: A challenge to Raz’ Service Conception?”. 2017, (Workshop on Legal Theory Dublin). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: International courts, talk)
Føllesdal, Andreas; Ruud, Morten; Ulfstein, Geir: Menneskerettighetene og Norge: Rettsutvikling, rettsliggjøring og demokrati. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 2017. (Type: Book | Tags: Edited books)
Føllesdal, Andreas; Ruud, Morten; Ulfstein, Geir: De internasjonale menneskerettighetene og Norge: Spenninger og samspill. In: Føllesdal, Andreas; Ruud, Morten; Ulfstein, Geir (Ed.): Menneskerettighetene og Norge: Rettsutvikling, rettsliggjøring og demokrati, pp. 13-32, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 2017. (Type: Book Chapter | Tags: Human Rights)
Follesdal, Andreas: Theories of Human Rights: Political or Orthodox – why it matters. In: Maliks, Reidar; Karlsson, Johan Schaffer (Ed.): Moral and Political Conceptions of Human Rights: Implications for Theory and Practice, pp. 77-96, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017. (Type: Book Chapter | Abstract | Links | Tags: Human Rights)
Follesdal, Andreas: Independent yet Accountable: Stress Test Lessons for the European Court of Human Rights. In: Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 484-510, 2017. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | Tags: European Court of Human Rights, Human Rights)
Follesdal, Andreas: Exporting the Margin of Appreciation: Lessons for the Inter-American Court of Human Rights?. In: International journal of constitutional law, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 359-371, 2017. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | Tags: European Court of Human Rights, Human Rights, Margin of Appreciation)
Follesdal, Andreas: Lessons from judicial dialogues between the European, the African and the Inter-American Courts of Human Rights. 2016, (PluriCourts Workshop Buenos Aires). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Human Rights, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: [No title]. 2016, (Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (WM) – Institute for Human Sciences ERC mentoring initiative Wien). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: ERC – European Research Council, Service, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: The role of the ECtHR: protecting minority rights or respecting democracy, or both – or neither?. 2016, (The Arctic University of Norway Tromsø). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Democratic theory, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Humanistisk forskning for et samfunn i forandring. 2016, (Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi – DNVA Seminar om humanistiske fag – selvforståelse og samfunnsoppdrag Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Research policy, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Are Concepts of Legitimacy for International Courts Related, and How?. 2016, (University of Gothenburg Gothenburg). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: International courts, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Are Concepts of Legitimacy for International Courts Related, and How?. 2016, (Nordic Network for political theory Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: International courts, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Are Concepts of Legitimacy for International Courts Related, and How?. 2016, (The Arctic University of Norway Workshop Tromsø). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: International courts, talk)
Føllesdal, Andreas: Domstolens og dommernes uavhengighet, hvorfor og hva slags?. 2016, (PluriCourts Ryssdalseminaret Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: On Sovereign Wealth Fund complicity/ disinvestment. 2016, (Australian National University Canberra). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: SRI – Socially responsible investing, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: The legitimacy of authorities in the multi-level global basic structure: the case of International Courts. 2016, (Sydney University Workshop On the legitimacy of the state Sydney). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: International courts, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Constitutionalization or democratication of ICs?. 2016, (Center for Deliberative Democracy Canberra). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Democratic theory, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Are Concepts of Legitimacy for International Courts Related, and How?. 2016, (Shanghai – Harvard conference on justice Shanghai). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: International courts, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Subsidiarity. 2016, (International society for constitutional law ICON Workshop Berlin). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Subsidiarity, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: European Consensus – Cairns or Crutches?. 2016, (Workshop on European Consensus European University Institute EUI Florence). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: European Consensus, European Court of Human Rights, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: On the separation of powers doctrine and International Courts. 2016, (Pompeu Fabra University Workshop on Republicanism and International Courts Barcelona). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: International courts, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: On PluriCourts’ research on gender on the bench. 2016, (PluriCourts Annual Conference Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Diversity, Gender, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Are Concepts of Legitimacy for International Courts Related, and How?. 2016, (European University Institute EUI Workshop on The Rise of International Courts: Normative and Sociological Perspectives Florence). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: International courts, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: 7 Habits of Highly Reluctant Nordic States -Explanations and Challenges to Scepticism toward Judicial Review. 2016, (European University Institute EUI Still Exceptional? Nordic Countries Constitutional Tradition in the 21st Century, Conference Florence). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: [No title]. 2016, (PluriCourts Workshop on prisoners voting London). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: On equity in international law. 2016, (Faculty of Law, Arctic University of Norway Tromsø). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Not Cairns but Crutches: Emerging European consensus – why it should matter for the margin of appreciation, and how.. 2016, (iCourts Workshop on the Margin of Appreciation and Democracy Copenhagen). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Democratic theory, European Consensus, European Court of Human Rights, Margin of Appreciation, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: MultiRights – findings. 2016, (MultiRights Concluding Conference Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: The Soul of Europe in the Balance – the conflict between the ECtHR and the CJEU. 2016, (Tufts University Workshop on Europe and Global Justice Medford). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: European Identity and EU Responses to the Refugee Crisis. 2016, (Tufts University Workshop Medford). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: talk)
Follesdal, Andreas; Tsereteli, Nino: The margin of appreciation in Europe and beyond – Special Issue. The International Journal of Human Rights, 2016. (Type: Book | Abstract | Tags: European Court of Human Rights, Human Rights, International courts, Margin of Appreciation, Special issues)
Follesdal, Andreas: Constitutionalization, not democratization of international law. 2016, (European University Institute – EUI Workshop on Global Constitutionalism Florence). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: talk)
Ulfstein, Geir: The European Court of Human Rights and national courts: a constitutional relationship?. In: Arnardóttir, Oddný Mjöll; Buyse, Antoine (Ed.): Shifting Centres of Gravity in Human Rights Protection, pp. 46-56, Routledge, London, 2016. (Type: Book Chapter | Tags: Human Rights)
Follesdal, Andreas: Implications of contested multilateralism for global constitutionalism. In: Global Constitutionalism, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 297-308, 2016. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | Tags: )
Follesdal, Andreas: On divestment from oil industry. 2016, (Concerned Students’ association, UiO Panel debate Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Climate, Public policy, SRI – Socially responsible investing, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: On the writing and submission process. 2015, (PluriCourts Publish and Flourish Workshop Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Legitimation strategies – philosophical perspectives. 2015, (PluriCourts Concepts and methods workshop on Legitimation and Performance Oslo). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Fragmentation and integration for better and worse: Assessing the doctrines of a Margin of Appreciation and of the Emerging European Consensus. 2015, (Conference on The Global Challenge of Human Rights Integration: Towards a User’s Perspective University of Ghent Ghent). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: European Consensus, European Court of Human Rights, Human Rights, Margin of Appreciation, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: The Soul of Europe in the Balance Supremacy of the European Court of Human Rights or the Court of Justice of the European Union – what is at stake?. 2015, (Arctic University of Norway Workshop Tromsø). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: European Court of Human Rights, Human Rights, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: ASEAN Declaration on Human Rights: a principle of subsidiarity to the rescue?. 2015, (German-Southeast Asian Center for Public Policy and Good Governance Lecture Bangkok). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Human Rights, Subsidiarity, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: ASEAN Declaration on Human Rights: a principle of subsidiarity to the rescue?. 2015, (Asean Society of International Law Conference Bangkok). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Human Rights, Subsidiarity, talk)
Føllesdal, Andreas: Åpning/initiativtaker. 2015, (Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi – DNVA Om prioriteringer av helsetjenester Bergen). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Policy advice, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Workshop on the Performance of International Courts. 2015, (Temple University Philadelphia). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: International courts, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Politics of Judicial Independence and Judicial Accountability at the ECtHR Independence of ICs. 2015, (Workshop on Politics of judicial independence and judicial accountability Prague). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Organizer, workshop on the ECtHR rulings on prisoners in Russia. 2015, (Higher School of Economics Moscow). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: On the relationship between authority and legitimacy of international courts. 2015, (Northeastern University Workshop on Alter-Helfer-Madsen: ‘How context shapes the authority of international courts Chicago). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: International courts, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Criteria for [parliamentary] civil disobedience of international courts. 2015, (Middlesex University Workshop on ‘International Human Rights Judiciary and Parliaments’ London). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Human Rights, International courts, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Does The Margin of Appreciation Doctrine Benefit or Hinder the ECtHR’s Contribution to Democratic Transitions?. 2015, (PluriCourts and Koc University Workshop on The European Court of Human Rights: Promoter or Predator of Democratic Transitions? Istanbul). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: European Court of Human Rights, Human Rights, Margin of Appreciation, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Legitimation strategies of international courts: strategic bootstrapping, transitional justice in practice, cynical manipulation – or all of the above. 2015, (ECPR Panel on The Legitimacy of International Courts – What is it, Does it make a Difference? Montreal). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: International courts, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Exporting Subsidiarity and the Margin of Appreciation: Lessons for the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. 2015, (IVR Workshop on International human rights courts: enhancers or enemies of democracy – or both? European and Inter-American perspectives Washington). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: Human Rights, Margin of Appreciation, Subsidiarity, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Are Concepts of Legitimacy for International Courts Related, and How?. 2015, (Political Philosophy Colloquium Frankfurt). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: International courts, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Are Concepts of Legitimacy for International Courts Related, and How?. 2015, (Justitia Amplificata Conference on The Challenges of Global Pluralism Frankfurt). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: International courts, talk)
Follesdal, Andreas: Are Concepts of Legitimacy for International Courts Related, and How?. 2015, (IVR Workshop on Legitimacy discourses about international courts: Reason or emotion? Washington). (Type: Miscellaneous | Tags: International courts, talk)
926 entries « 2 of 10 »